{"id":5763,"date":"2023-12-21T11:27:58","date_gmt":"2023-12-21T02:27:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/test.ptcgic-cr.com\/?post_type=column&p=5763"},"modified":"2024-01-11T14:30:08","modified_gmt":"2024-01-11T05:30:08","slug":"article-10","status":"publish","type":"column","link":"https:\/\/test.ptcgic-cr.com\/en\/column\/article-10\/","title":{"rendered":"Interview of the Winners of the 2022 Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest"},"content":{"rendered":"\n



Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 Grand Prize winner.
\nThey have been active since 2020, mainly on social media.
\nTheir illustrations focus on the daily lives and charm of Pok\u00e9mon.
\nThey particularly like Rowlet for its nice, round shape.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Taiga Kasai<\/strong><\/p>\n

Illustrator and graphic designer.
\nGraduated from Tama Art University, Department of Graphic Design.<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 First Runner-Up (Japan) winner.\nWorking as a freelancer, he draws Pok\u00e9mon from all kinds of perspectives. His motto is \u201clive with the Pok\u00e9mon.\u201d
\nHis favorite Pok\u00e9mon games are Pok\u00e9mon Ruby and Pok\u00e9mon Sapphire, and his favorite Pok\u00e9mon is Aggron for its hefty look and cool blue eyes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Julie Hang<\/strong><\/p>\n

Visual development artist.<\/strong>
\n(Editor’s note: A visual development artist is an artist who handles the overall visual production of video works, including concept art and lighting.)<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 First Runner-Up (United States) winner.
\nHer artworks include storytelling elements, which she uses to try to make the world a happier place. Her favorite Pok\u00e9mon first appeared in the Pok\u00e9mon Ruby, Pok\u00e9mon Sapphire, and Pok\u00e9mon Emerald games. Her overall favorite Pok\u00e9mon is Bulbasaur.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


\u2013First of all, could you tell us about your backgrounds?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I am REND, an illustrator. I have been drawing since I was a child, and I learned illustration techniques at school. I recently started drawing digitally, too.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga Kasai<\/strong>: I am Taiga Kasai, an illustrator. I first started drawing after seeing a Pok\u00e9mon illustration made by my father, who is a skilled artist. I was really impressed by it, and I realized that being able to draw is cool.
At first, I just liked drawing Pok\u00e9mon, and I didn’t consider myself to be a good artist. However, when it was time to take the entrance exams for university, I decided I wanted to go to art school, and that\u2019s when I started studying how to draw. I started drawing illustrations seriously after getting accepted to the art school. When I heard the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 was being held, I thought that I absolutely had to apply. So, I got even more serious about illustrating.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie Hang<\/strong>: I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, dreaming of one day being able to illustrate for animated films and TV shows. Eventually, this passion led me to pursue my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation. After graduating from art school, I went on to work as a motion designer for four years before making the transition to being a visual development artist working in the animation industry.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What kinds of art supplies, equipment, and tools do you use to make your illustrations?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: My computer is a Mac. I use Photoshop and a pen tablet to draw on it. The best thing about the pen tablet is that you can see the whole screen.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I do most of my illustration work on an iPad Pro. I use the digital illustration app Procreate for the whole process, from sketching to the finishing touches.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: My favorite method of making digital art is with Procreate on the iPad Pro. I like to use Photoshop for finishing illustrations. Of course, there\u2019s always pencil and paper, which is my favorite way to sketch and come up with new ideas.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Your Journey with Pok\u00e9mon<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What was your first encounter with Pok\u00e9mon? Please tell us how you came to know of Pok\u00e9mon and what made you love the Pok\u00e9mon world.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: It all started with the Pok\u00e9mon games. I started with Ruby<\/em> and Sapphire<\/em>, then I moved onto Fire Red<\/em> and Leaf Green<\/em>, and…that\u2019s what got me here (laughs). Pok\u00e9mon is a part of my life.
In the summer of 2023, I visited the Pok\u00e9mon World Championships 2023 held in Yokohama, Japan. Seeing people from other countries having fun holding their Pok\u00e9mon plushies makes me feel that, even though we don\u2019t know each other\u2019s languages, we still have a connection: we both love Pok\u00e9mon. That, to me, is one of Pok\u00e9mon\u2019s biggest appeals.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I first learned about Pok\u00e9mon when I was in kindergarten. The Daiichi Pan I used to have came with Pok\u00e9mon stickers. (Editor’s note: \u201cDaiichi Pan\u201d is a bread-like pastry that originated in Japan.) I learned about the whole franchise from those stickers. I soon fell in love with the games, the TV series, and the movies. Like REND, the first game I played was in the Pok\u00e9mon Ruby<\/em> and Pok\u00e9mon Sapphire<\/em> generation. I got it as a present from my grandmother.
I think that Pok\u00e9mon is a language. You can become friends with someone just by telling them that you like Pok\u00e9mon. People communicate and build relationships through shared interests. I learned some important life lessons from Pok\u00e9mon.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


A Wailmer illustration drawn by Taiga Kasai as a child.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: My cousins and I loved drawing Pok\u00e9mon when we were young. I didn\u2019t have money to buy real cards at the time, so I used to draw my own Pok\u00e9mon cards on paper and play with them. When I was 9 years old, I was super excited to receive Pok\u00e9mon Sapphire <\/em>and a Game Boy Advance SP for Christmas\u2014my very first video game and console! I have fond memories of traveling and battling alongside my team of Pok\u00e9mon, which consisted of Azumarill, Delcatty, Latias, Roselia, Seadra, and Swampert. It sounds a bit cheesy, but I felt a real attachment to my Pok\u00e9mon. I drew my Pok\u00e9mon all the time in my school notebook, daydreaming about what it would be like to have them with me in real life.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Pok\u00e9mon Sapphire: Julie Hang\u2019s first adventure with Pok\u00e9mon.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013Tell us about your first experience with the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I had it bought for me when I was little. That\u2019s how I first learned about it, and I would often play against my siblings. Since I was still young, I didn’t fully comprehend the game, so I remember playing with the rules as I personally interpreted them (laughs).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I first learned about the Pok\u00e9mon TCG through the Pok\u00e9mon Heroes<\/em> movie. They had Pok\u00e9mon TCG sets on sale at the theater, so I had one bought for me.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: In third grade, one of my friends brought his binder full of Pok\u00e9mon cards to school. I was amazed at all the different artworks for each Pok\u00e9mon. In a way, it was like having a real-life Pok\u00e9dex.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013How do you normally enjoy the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I like collecting cards. When a new card is released, you can see it in the announcements online, but they\u2019re so much more beautiful when you’re actually holding them in your hands. The high-precision printing for the illustration and the surface treatment are so amazing that you can’t help but want to collect them.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I like both collecting cards and playing with them! I usually carry my decks with me, and sometimes I’ll go and play at a card shop after work.
Rather than creating the strongest or most efficient decks, I am more interested in coming up with original combinations and seeing them in action. I particularly enjoy surprising my opponents (laughs). I\u2019m so happy when they ask to see my decks or when they tell me they\u2019ve never seen something like it in tournaments (laughs). As for my collection, I file the cards by illustrator for all my favorite ones.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: I’m a casual collector. Once in a while, I\u2019ll pick up a booster pack at a local card shop. It\u2019s exciting because you never know what you\u2019re going to get. What I enjoy most is cracking open my binder and marveling at the artwork. It\u2019s a great source of inspiration!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What is it about the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game that you find appealing?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I like how you can get a feel about everything there is to know about a Pok\u00e9mon just from a single card. Of course, you have the illustration, but you also get its Pok\u00e9dex description and its height and weight, so you immediately get an idea of what that Pok\u00e9mon is like.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I like the illustrations. They are made by a lot of different illustrators, making for an incredible variety of styles and unique designs. I\u2019m so happy whenever I see one of my favorite illustrators drawing a Pok\u00e9mon I love!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: I love that every artist has their own original take on drawing Pok\u00e9mon. Each card is like a window into the way the artist feels about Pok\u00e9mon. I especially enjoy cards with wacky art styles that really go outside the box.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The Challenge of the 2022 Pok\u00e9mon TCG Illustration Contest<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

\u2013Why did you enter the Pok\u00e9mon TCG Illustration Contest 2022?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: Before that, I had applied to the 2nd Pok\u00e9mon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix, but it didn’t go so well. So, I wanted to take another chance with the 2022 edition. In between, I was practicing hard.
I regret being so rash when I applied to the 2nd Pok\u00e9mon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix. So, the second time around, I thoroughly reviewed everything I’d done wrong the first time and put all I had into my illustration.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: My dream was to become a Pok\u00e9mon TCG Illustrator. I knew it wouldn\u2019t be easy, but I could imagine how happy it would make me.
When I decided to apply to the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022, I didn’t have much money, so I had to beg my parents, saying, \u201cI’m going to be an illustrator for Pok\u00e9mon cards, so please buy me an iPad Pro!\u201d
I was studying graphic design at art school. But when I heard of the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022, I remembered that what had gotten me into art in the first place was my dream of becoming a Pok\u00e9mon card illustrator. I knew that if there was a chance to achieve this, I had to take it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: A friend of mine told me about this contest and encouraged me to apply. I\u2019ll take any excuse to draw Pok\u00e9mon, so I went for it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What subject Pok\u00e9mon did you have in mind, and what kind of illustration did you decide to draw?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: The application guidelines said that you could submit up to three illustrations, and I definitely wanted to submit all three. In the 2nd Pok\u00e9mon Card Game Illustration Grand Prix, I had only submitted one, but this time, I was set on giving it my all and getting an award. I thought that playing to my strengths would be better, so I started by analyzing my strong points.
The Arcanine which I won the award with focuses on the sunlight and how it makes its mane look beautiful, which is something I really love.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Taiga<\/strong>: The theme of the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 was \u201cThe daily life of Pok\u00e9mon.\u201d So, thinking of how Pok\u00e9mon would spend their days in the wild, I came up with the idea of showing them as they trained.
I imagined that Greninja, being a ninja Pok\u00e9mon, would be smart. So, I drew it as if it were planning some battle strategy.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Julie<\/strong>: Bulbasaur was my top pick since it\u2019s my favorite Pok\u00e9mon. To me, it seemed natural to depict Bulbasaur in a forest picking berries. Then I thought to myself, \u201cany Pok\u00e9mon can pick berries, but how would Bulbasaur pick berries?\u201d Keeping this in mind, I decided to draw a particularly playful Bulbasaur using Vine Whip to shake the tree branches and make the berries fall down to the ground, to the delight of its friends.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


\u2013Do you have any memorable or interesting stories from when you were creating a submission for the contest?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: At first, I had drawn Cramorant, but right before finishing the illustration, I compared it to the winners of the previous contest and realized that it was still lacking. So, I started from scratch. I started drawing Galarian Rapidash, but I also scrapped that halfway through. In the end, I submitted my illustrations just before the deadline.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013It must be very difficult to change the subject after you\u2019ve already started drawing.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I feared that I might not make it in time, but I knew that I had no choice but to start over. I also knew that by overworking myself, I risked getting to the point where I couldn\u2019t draw anymore, making all of my efforts pointless. So, I drew every day but also tried to take care of myself, which improved my illustration skills little by little.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013How do you check the quality of your illustrations? And how do you tell when you are finished improving it?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I print the illustration to the size it would be if it were on a Pok\u00e9mon card. I look at it both on paper and on screen, for example on my phone. Seeing the illustration in different formats makes your perspective more complete. I repeat that until I can\u2019t find anything that I can improve on anymore. That\u2019s when I call my illustration \u201ccomplete.\u201d<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What about you, Taiga? Do you have an anecdote on your winning illustration?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I drew rough sketches of all the potential subjects included in the contest, trying to choose which one I’d go with. The one I ended up winning with, Greninja, was the only one for which I instantly got the idea for the composition. I could just hear the voice in my mind saying, \u201cYes! This is it!\u201d I went onto draw the final illustration before that voice could falter or disappear.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013It’s amazing that you actually drew all of the Pok\u00e9mon available for the contest.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I knew from the start that I had to draw all of them. By doing this, I could understand the ones I was good at drawing and the ones that I was not so good at. Basically, I wanted to find my strong and weak points.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013And what about you, Julie? Do you have any stories?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: Since this was the very first Pok\u00e9mon TCG Illustration Contest to include entries from both Japan and the United States, I was excited for the opportunity to create Pok\u00e9mon-related artwork alongside so many other longtime fans. I imagined there would be a ton of entries with a variety of different art styles. With this in mind, I felt more comfortable to draw Bulbasaur in my own personal style.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What did you most struggle with in your submission to the contest?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: Managing my schedule. Since I was planning to submit three works, figuring out how much time to spend on each one was really difficult.
However, in the end, I ended up finishing in time, completing three works in a month. I think I applied right before the deadline. By that point, I was just…whew (laughs)!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: Drawing the background was the most difficult part for me. I had been drawing Pok\u00e9mon, but I’d never put them together with a background.
So, my first concern in drawing the background was how to make the subject stand out and pop. I looked hard for a way to do that. Creating the backgrounds took a lot of trial and error before I could figure them out. They were really difficult.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: When submissions for the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 had first opened up, I had been going through a bit of an art block. The contest gave me a chance to draw something with a prompt that I was highly interested in, which helped bring back my motivation. I submitted the artwork thinking that I probably wouldn\u2019t win (I mean, this is Pok\u00e9mon we\u2019re talking about!), but at least I could come away from it feeling a bit more inspired to draw again.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Stories about Winning the Contest<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

\u2013What was your reaction when you became a winner?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: Even after hearing that I had won the award, I was skeptical. I thought that it was too good to be true (laughs). Seeing my dream come true made me so happy that I couldn’t believe it had actually happened (laughs).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: I felt exactly the same as REND. I just couldn’t comprehend what had happened (laughs). When I received the email notifying me of the award, I was so confused that I couldn’t believe it was real (laughs). It only started feeling real once I received the printed Greninja card.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: Knowing how many wonderfully talented Pok\u00e9mon fans are out there, I was not expecting to make it to the top 300, let alone place first runner-up. I was completely taken aback when I got the news, followed by lots of screaming and jumping for joy.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013How did your acquaintances react when you became a winner?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: I didn’t tell my family until the awards were announced. When I could finally tell them, they were really surprised to hear it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: While I was torn between happiness and confusion, the friends and family congratulating me were simply excited. I was glad to see so many people I love being happy for me. Even on X (formerly Twitter), famous Pok\u00e9mon card game illustrators liked my illustration and sent me their congratulations. The people I looked up to were looking at my own art, and I couldn’t be happier!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: My family and friends were really happy for me. Many of them later went on to obtain their own copy of my Bulbasaur card to show support. I thought that was incredibly sweet of them.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u2013Did the contest change your perspective on illustration work in general and\/or inspire you to change your art style?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: Before, I didn’t have confidence in my art, but now I feel that some confidence wouldn’t be out of place (laughs). \u201cMy effort paid off.\u201d That thought helped my confidence and made me feel at ease.
At the same time, I feel the weight of winning the overall best work. The sense of responsibility I get from being an award-winner will always keep me focused when drawing.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: My goal was to have my illustrations turned into real Pok\u00e9mon cards, so I asked my parents to let me live with them for three more years while I worked on that. I had promised them that if I didn’t achieve my goal in three years, I would get a job. But I achieved that in just one year, as my illustration was used for a promo card.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: Reading the judges’ comments<\/a> on each winning artwork, I was reminded how important the element of storytelling is when it comes to creating an illustration. It\u2019s one thing to be skilled in terms of draftsmanship; however, I\u2019ve realized that the innately human ability to communicate a story or evoke a feeling is the reason people feel drawn to art.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

In Conclusion<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

\u2013Can you share some words of encouragement for those who are entering the Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2024?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

REND<\/strong>: Please give yourself enough time to draw so that you don’t end up having to submit an illustration that you still aren\u2019t satisfied with. Also, keep fine-tuning the details up to the very end. And of course, be careful with time management (laughs).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Taiga<\/strong>: Even if you think it’s impossible, as long as you keep your goal in mind, you’ll get closer to achieving it, step-by-step. Receiving the award made me understand this. Chasing your dreams until the end is crucial.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Julie<\/strong>: I would say don\u2019t think too hard about it. In my experience, the best drawings come out when you can let loose and have fun.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Composition and text: Shusuke Motomiya (One-up) Photos: Kayoko Yamamoto<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u00a9 2002 Pok\u00e9mon. \u00a9 1995 \u2013 2002 Nintendo\/Creatures Inc.\/GAME FREAK inc. TM, \u00ae, and character names are trademarks of Nintendo.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

REND Illustrator. Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 Grand Prize winner. They have been active since 2020, mainly on social media. Their illustrations focus on the daily lives and charm of Pok\u00e9mon. They particularly like Rowlet for its nice, round shape. Taiga Kasai Illustrator and graphic designer. Graduated from Tama Art University, Department of […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"featured_media":5734,"template":"","meta":{"_acf_changed":false},"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nInterview of the Winners of the 2022 Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest -<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/test.ptcgic-cr.com\/en\/column\/article-10\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Interview of the Winners of the 2022 Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest -\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"REND Illustrator. Pok\u00e9mon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2022 Grand Prize winner. They have been active since 2020, mainly on social media. Their illustrations focus on the daily lives and charm of Pok\u00e9mon. 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